Monday, June 8, 2015

3B Winner!

Alhamdulillah. All praise belong to Allah.

Hello everyone. The closing ceremony for Belia Brunei Berbakti by KESAN (Kemajuan Insan) was held last Saturday (6 June 2015). Apart from the launch of Catalyst, the event also announced the winners to 3B project. Our group ENVIRO-MEN won first place for our project #AKUINGAU_3B.

So here we would like to thank, first of all to our parents for allowing and supporting us to run this project. Then, we would like thank to the panel of judges during project presentation event held two weeks before, for selecting us to be in first place. We also like to thank our awesome facilitators, Yazrin and Fauzan for being there till the end and helping us in every way possible (and is still is). We also like to thank KESAN for organizing this competition. Without it, our project wouldn't even exist. There would be no ENVIRO-MEN group, no us, not knowing each other, just everyone with their separate life.

Here are some of the pictures during the closing ceremony :)

This is our booth. Almost everything are made up from used materials. At the back is actually a seat made up of two tires

From bottom left: Khaliq, Syukri and Auf
Top: Yazrin the facilitator
missing from picture: Fauzan the facilitator

This is the moment when we received the prize and certificates

Apart from winning first place, we were also asked to do the presentation again

continue reading 3B Winner!